Oceana Wiki

The following tables contain the fifty electoral constituencies within the Republic of Oceana, as defined by the Oceana National Elections Act (2013) . Included in the tables are the Constituency Name and Code, the Main City of each Constituency (not necessarily the Constituency Capital), the Population of the Constituency, the number and the Percentage of the Population that are eligible to vote in Elections (Electorate), and other towns of note within the Constituencies.

The ONE Act divided the republic into relatively evenly sized constituencies by population, with each population containing some 250,000 inhabitants (+/- 10%).  

All figures contained in this article are based on the 2012 Oceana National Census. The population of the Republic of Oceana is 12,788,052 persons and the electorate is 8,844,225 persons (69.16%).

West Oceana[]


West Oceana has a population of 4,616,473 (36.10% of total), an electorate of 3,204,112 (36.23%), and an electorate percentage of 69.38%. There are 18 Constituencies in West Oceana.

The largest Constituency by size is WO-15 (East Corbieland). The largest Constituency by population is WO-16 (Stratheith), which is also the largest in terms of the electorate and electorate percentage.

The smallest Constituency by size is WO-2 (Glaschu Porthwast). The smallest Constituency by population is WO-4 (Glaschu City), which is also the smallest in terms of the electorate and electorate percentage.

Constituency Main City Population Electorate Electorate % Includes
WO-1 Donnoir and Maud Donnoir 267,188 179,578 67.21

Duntermon , Ornborg

WO-2 Glaschu Porthwast Glaschu (West) 244,452 167,009 68.32
WO-3 Glaschu Annachar Glaschu (North) 253,946 177,592 69.93
WO-4 Glaschu City Glaschu (Central) 229,121 153,098 66.82
WO-5 Glaschu Briggait Glaschu (South) 249,474 172,911 69.31
WO-6 Glaschu Pennyhill Glaschu (East) 246,893 166,168


WO-7 Clutha Finntilly Clutha City Central 254,998 177,427 69.58
WO-8 Clutha Daublaen Clutha City North 259,685 178,432 68.71
WO-9 Clutha Tullykirk and Eddington Clutha City South 252,789 173,514 68.64
WO-10 Morrynshire Lonfordi 252,057 177,725 70.51 Ballantyre
WO-11 Cromdourty Bothybroch 254,850 180,561 70.85 Dalvertay
WO-12 West Corbieland Aquae Corbie 268,882 189,347 70.42
WO-13 Rhyncardinshire Dunedin 260,124 183,726 70.63
WO-14 Leanaird Lengze 261,275 183,284 70.15 Hereth
WO-15 East Corbieland Dominia 256,646 181,833 70.85 Ballorgh
WO-16 Stratheith Strathlynam 269,856 191,705 71.04
WO-17 Wendale Ovyn 265,744 183,761 69.15 Llumon
WO-18 Badhdale Badenau 268,493 186,441 69.44
4,616,473 3,204,112 69.38

East Oceana[]


East Oceana has a population of 3,837,891 (30.01% of the total), an electorate of 2,645,968 (29.91% of the total), and an electorate percentage of 68.95%. There are 15 Constituencies in East Oceana.

The largest Constituency by size is EO-4 (Aleneshire). The largest Constituency by population is EO-7 (Bricstou City). The largest Constituency by electorate is EO-3 (Salwynshire).

The smallest Constituency by electorate percentage is EO-11 (Emporium Ilvetmere). The smallest Constituency by size is EO-11 (Emporium Ilvetmere). The smallest Constituency by population is EO-6 (Haidingshire), which is also the smallest in terms of the electorate. The smallest Constituency by electorate percentage is EO-7 (Bricstou City).

Constituency Main City Population Electorate Electorate % Includes
EO-1 Doireshire Der 258,823 179,959 69.53
EO-2 Gryoch Fields Gryochstoun 258,450 179,418 69.42 Starybridge
EO-3 Salwynshire Alcyon 271,403 190,470 70.18 North Bricstou
EO-4 Aleneshire Dunregina 243,941 170,968 69.52 Fealca
EO-5 Beau Forest Beaulieu 249,127 168,933 67.81
EO-6 Haidingshire Schiehaddie 242,851 163,634 67.94 Souwark
EO-7 Bricstou City Bricstou 274,193 182,941 66.72
EO-8 Carthoulshire Cadihou 254,826 176,365 69.21 Xalice
EO-9 Sarrimshire Portri 254,919 179,641 70.47 Piedha
EO-10 Astshire Levingstoun 259,432 181,758 70.06 Norwark
EO-11 Emporium Ilvetmere Emporium North 251,735 177,624 70.56
EO-12 Emporium Castle Emporium Central 251,924 171,661 68.14
EO-13 Emporium Lynglaw Emporium South 250,105 169,646 67.83
EO-14 Emporium Bexbourne and Halcyona Delta Emporium Delta 248,858 173,777 69.83 Easterlie
EO-15 Passeleth and the Summer Islands Passeleth 267,304 179,173 67.03 Olivier
3,837,891 2,645,968 68.95



Marpesia has a population of 1,521,482 (11.89% of total), an electorate of 1,055,220 (11.93% of total), and an electorate percentage of 69.35%. There are 6 Constituencies in Marpesia.

The largest Constituency by size is MA-6 (Lyngvik, Alma, and Celia). The largest Constituency by population is MA-3 (Bygris and the Marches), which is also the largest in terms of the electorate. The largest Constituency in terms of electorate percentage is MA-4 (Morphesia and the Balchdale).

The smallest Constituency by size is MA-1 (Brathsund West and Westerker). The smallest Constituency by population is MA-2 (Brathsund East, Raasa, and Brennabru), which is also the smallest in terms of the electorate and electorate percentage.

Constituency Main City Population Electorate Electorate % Includes
MA-1 Brathsund West and Westersker Brathsund West 253,517 172,214 67.93 Westersker
MA-2 Brathsund East, Raasa, and Brennabru Brathsund East  250,163 167,834 67.09 Brennabru
MA-3 Bygris and the Marches Bygris 257,694 180,798 70.16
MA-4 Morphesia and the Balchdale Morphesia 254,951 180,607 70.84 Bannachanar
MA-5 Vik and Skipsbrotreyjar Vik 251,664 174,979 69.53
MA-6 Lyngvik, Alma, and Celia Lyngvik 253,493 178,788 70.53 Celia , Dawnes
1,521,482 1,055,220 69.35



Panopea has a population of 2,301,733 (18% of total), an electorate of 1,588,093 (17.96% of total), and an electorate percentage of 69.01%. There are 9 Constituencies in Panopea.

The largest Constituency by size is PA-8 (Seu Panurgus (West)). The largest Constituency by population is PA-1 (Seu Korken). The largest Constituency in terms of the electorate is PA-6 (Eblana Lisroe). The largest Constituency in terms of the electorate percentage is PA-5 (Seu Ractine (West)).

The smallest Constituency by size is PA-8 (Eblana Nocklea). The smallest Constituency by population is PA-4 (Seu Ansomone), which is also the smallest in terms of the electorate. The smallest Constituency in terms of the electorate percentage is PA-3 (Seu Ractine (East)).

Constituency Main City Population Electorate Electorate % Includes
PA-1 Seu Korken Korken 273,482 184,053 67.30
PA-2 Seu Ansomone Viroborg 243,560 166,400 68.32
PA-3 Seu Ractine (East) Elderfell 252,046 168,669 66.92
PA-4 Seu Fomoire Bastholm 258,448 181,714 70.31 Comarealg
PA-5 Seu Ractine (West) Brascathair 251,217 177,434 70.63 Coller
PA-6 Eblana Lisroe Eblana North 267,596 186,701 69.77
PA-7 Eblana Nocklea Eblana South 261,983 176,917 67.53
PA-8 Seu Panurgus (West) Domhnall 243,815 170,572 69.96 Caldacannach
PA-9 Seu Panurgus (East) Panurgia 249,586 175,633 70.37 Dallaintor
2,301,733 1,588,093 69.01



Cynopea has a population of 510,473 (4% of total), an electorate of 350,832 (3.97% of total), and an electorate percentage of 68.76%. There are 2 Constituencies in Cynopea.

The largest Constituency by size is CY-2 (Cochsimnai). The largest Constituency by population is CY-2 (Cochsimnai). The largest Constituency in terms of the electorate and the electorate percentage is CY-1 (Cainbanc).

The smallest Constituency by size is CY-1 (Cainbanc). The smallest Constituency by population is CY-1 (Cainbanc). The smallest Constituency in terms of the electorate and the electorate percentage is CY-2 (Cochsimnai).

Constituency Main City Population Electorate Electorate % Includes

CY-1 Cainbanc

Trindod 251,531 178,662 71.03 Porth-na-Eryr
CY-2 Cochsimnai Dusarff 258,942 172,170 66.49 Perdeyc , Arthcaer
510,473 350,832 68.76